CEO Greeting

In the age of Information Technology
The Age of Data Technology

Atech has created a new world vision that we're going to create,
and it's based on Data Under the idea of becoming the "A" of the future world,
we are providing convergence and innovation technologies based on big data
and artificial intelligence technologies.

A-Tech starts with a consistent passion and enterprising "we."
"We" goes beyond just the dictionary meaning of "We"
It starts with the "customers" who added the meaning of "Together" and gave us
endless affection and encouragement.
Over the past three years, A-Tech has contributed to solving customers' problems
with solutions based on data.
A-Tech is We will continue to create innovative and reliable services based
on data to contribute to our customers' "intelligence."

A Tech is committed to racing toward "Data Technology" and "Data Factory" implementations.
We ask for your tireless passion for a better world and era, endless challenges,
and generous encouragement and support for technical concerns that do not stay.

Make Tomorrow Better Than Today

Thank you, CEO of A-Tech Co., Ltd Kim Jung-wan

Kim Jung-wan, CEO of A Tech Co., Ltd